me, in my mind

Sunday, September 12, 2010

weird hippy music festival

So I got talked into going to this thing named Harvest Festival by my fire-spinning friends. They all said it was the bees knees and that it was super fun and a great time.
Well, it had its highlights. Saturday night was awesome. Three different all night music tents, international DJ's and fun clothes. I wondered, though, what I had signed myself up for when we rolled up on the friday night. It was already dark, my tent was set up, which was awesome, and my tent-mate, Erica, was super cool the whole weekend. The douch bags around us, though, were another story. I tried to go to sleep after hanging out around the fire (which was nice) at 2am-ish, but apparently this was not meant to be. For 6 hours straight, all I heard from the charming people around me was stories of their past drug exploits, their drug-fulled plans for the weekend, and where they got their drugs. Occasionally, I heard about their sexual exploits while on drugs, funny things they had done to their friends/pets while on drugs, their drug of choice, and how to try to pretend you're not on drugs. I knew I was going to a hippy fest. and totally expected lots of "activity," but I heard, on more than one occasion, people talking about some pretty hard stuff, and I was admittedly, shocked. Once again, I felt like the odd one out; the only one at the party who was in their right mind.
It's a real shame that all these people need to alter their state of mind because the grounds of the party itself were so amazing. Floating sharks, lights on the water, lit balloons in the sky, colored lights and lanterns on miles of walkways, amazing music and cool looking people. I don't know, I just think there's other, more important things and person can spend their money on.
I don't know, am I wrong? Am I just being a stick in the mud? I've seen this stuff seriously mess with people; people who otherwise had the world at their doorstep and lost it because they couldn't control their habit. I'm not looking to "do" anything about my point of view, but if anyone wants to share their own, that would be cool!

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