me, in my mind

Sunday, August 22, 2010

show and par-tay report

So after growing frustrated with being poor and not having any performing jobs, I declared to the powers that be that I was "tired of being poor and I wanted someone to hire me." Two days later, I had 4 shows booked from now to October, one of which happened on Friday at the awesome venue, the Great Hall on Queen st.
It was with Starlight Burlesque, a troupe I had only heard of but had never seen. They're not a "new" burlesque troupe; they keep it old school with a big show every few months where they bring in a live band and invite international and other guest artists for a big blow-out of a show. It was really quite an ambitious production and I think if we had had more rehearsal time, it would have been an even better show than it was. The performances were great, all the girls put a lot of effort into making or buying authentic-looking costumes and props. I felt a bit lame as my costume was decidedly last minute and therefore not as awesome as I would have liked it to be. I was on silks, of all things, and I was super nervous before hand since I don't really DO silks that much. Luckily all my rope moves, for the most part, translate pretty well to silks, so I was ok. It felt like I was only up there for 30 seconds but it had to have been more like 4 min or so. The response was awesome, the other girls were all happy with what I did and I'll likely be doing their christmas show with them! yay!
You all have to check out the headliner guest artist, Pearle Noir. Here's a link to an act similar to the one she performed on Friday. She brought the house down and I can't possibly see people leaving the show thinking they didn't get their money's worth after her show. AMAZING!
Saturday was a lazy start, but that night there was a big goth/fetish party at the Revival on College. It's weird that I've been to enough of these things that I'm beginning to recognize and be recognized by other people that are involved, but since Torture Garden back in May, and Halloween coming up (and now, valentines day, on which I hope to debut a new double hoop act with Heather) Craig, the event organizer/all-around fetish king of T.O. has labeled me one of "His" in-crowed. Although I had to pay to get in last night because it was a joint party between Craig's Subspace and Northbound Leather. Sad face, cover was expensive and I didn't even have any intention of using the 'err' facilities in the basement which was the cause of the high price. I commented to Mere at the shindig that you could totally tell which people were from the Subspace parties and which were Northbound regulars; Subspacers were younger and trendier, with gear that was cheaper but more "now," while Northbounders were typically older with expensive, often custom leather outfits and, dare I say, really snooty. The two crowds mixed well, though, when we left, the floor was packed. Don't kill me Mere, but just for fun I'll mention that the night had a distinctly Scott Pilgrim-ish feel, as Mere's evil ex's 1-4 showed up in sequence. But no drama ensued.
So that's that. performance-wise my September's a bit dry but I've got my random fire-spinning retreat the last weekend (how did this happen??) for which I have to get something done on the aerial rope/fire spinning act I'm creating with Ian ( the boy mentioned in some previous posts, who is still fun to look at, but, alas, still chasing anything with reproductive organs on the inside) for the Halloween show. We're going to get some feedback on hopefully the first half at the retreat from fellow performers, which should be helpful. For those who read this that actually live in T.O., check me out at the Gladstone on Nuit Blanche. I'll be doing hoop in an all-night variety show! I'm also looking forward to my groovy new hair, which is being installed on Sept. 18th. I'll post pictures asap after it's done. It shall be sunset-colored epicness!

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