me, in my mind

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Douchey bosses suck.

So once again my current douchey boss is making horrible business decisions and alienating his artists yet again. There's a show coming up, and apparently my hoop act can't be in it as it was performed the last time we were in this area. I proposed a few other options including my new rope solo only to be told that not only could my proposed act not be used, as a similar act was performed over 6(!!) years ago in this venue, but that an outside rope artist has been hired for the show. WTF? Why have a company if you don't give them work? I think because I had the audacity to market myself on my own, suddenly I'm a traitor. Also, I responded via e mail upon finding out about this rope person that I was really disappointed that I wasn't thought of if a rope act was wanted and that it should be known that such an act exists if future gigs come up. I have to have a chat with boss-man, but honestly if this level of douche-baggery keeps up, I'm done. I have other options and a business to start up and frankly I don't make enough money teaching class and getting, like, 2 shows a year to have to put up with such disrespectful treatment. I'm getting 2-sentence e mails about how I have to pay for my own work permit but not to do anything yet as he'll let me know if he's "going to use me" in the show.
What a dick.

1 comment:

  1. I say create your own business and take other jobs. Past experience tells me that they'll call you when they need you and not call you when they don't, whether you're in the company or not. Then when you do get a call from them it's more of a happy surprise burst of cash as opposed to a long wait for the next show as part of their company. In fact, you may get more work outside of their company because you'll have the freedom to take whatever jobs you want and we both know that they like getting outside contracts for their shows, which you would be.

    On a side note, I just landed a tour in August and a mini tour in October, which means I may be able to move back to Toronto far sooner than I thought!
