me, in my mind

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yay! A quasi-date!

So, yeah, I went on a sort-of, not-quite-sure but I think-it was-a-date date with a guy who I originally went to highschool with, but whom I never had anything to do with at all, and then met again years later in a Hinduism class. We just keep meeting up and now that I think about it, it's all a bit too weird to be purely coincidence...
1) Went to the same highschool, saw, but hardly ever spoke to each other
2) met in 2nd year general Hinduism class
3) a year later, in same class again, hung out a bit
4) Another class together, this one a fluke that had nothing to do with either of our subject posts
5) He was the runner at Sassafraz two years ago when I went there with my family for my birthday
6) he graduates, but we meet again at the rock climbing place while we're both climbing with our respective siblings
7) He e mails me out of the blue saying he found my info and that we should hang out. So we did.
It was fun. He's super into climbing anything that can be climbed (rocks, ice, mountains, towers...he has a couple friends who are "urban ninjas"- they scale buildings downtown at night) and is really active and outdoors-y, which is a nice change from the males I generally consort with who are more, shall we say, indoor creatures. Shockingly, he also looks like a dude. He has
- wait for it-
facial hair.
I know.
Shut up, Katie.
Unfortunately he's heading out for more climbing for a week, so I'll keep all of ya'll posted if any more goes on.


  1. FLUMOXXED! So... if he went to our high school...

    Do I know him???!?

    I won't rag on ya about the facial hair. I was never into it myself, but I actually kinda prefer Tall Guy with his beard, go figure!

  2. oooooh, I want an update ASAP!!!
