me, in my mind

Monday, March 15, 2010


Whatsup my faithful followers, thought it was about time for an update, although with stupid school keeping me down not much of note has happened recently...Still "seeing" Grant, it's in that awkward "are we dating, I don't know" phase, but things are good nonetheless. Suzy, it was crazy seeing you at Cafe crepe, we must catch up on morrow next..
Anywhoo, my big (ish) news is regarding an upcoming show in's not my usual thing, I was contacted by a girl who used to perform with Sublime but left due to "difficulties." At this point, I understand how she felt. So, the gig is the T.O version of the popular world-wide fetish party/convention ominously called Torture Garden. I talked to some girls who performed there last year and they said it was all in good fun, just like a normal act/ambiance stuff but with weirder (read: less) clothing. The hair-falls are definatly going to make an appearance.
Should be fun. The former Sublime chick also has a sort of quasi-agency that she wants me to be a part of as a bookable act and she has carved out a nice little niche for herself in the "alternative" scene which has, up to now, been subject to some really sketchy circus. Think Sterling ren faire and you'll know what I mean. So hopefully they like seeing a legit aerialist along with the suspensions, peircings, rubber mouldings, shibari and other cookiness that seems to occur at this event.
Do NOT tell the 'rents.

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